Friday, 1 March 2019

cell organelles,mitochondria, golgi bodies


Cell is the structural and function unit of life organism
All organism are made from cells 
They are the structural unit of organism

Major components of cells

Cell contain three main things 
1)cell membrane

Cell organelles

Cytoplasm of cell contain organelles which are given as under.

1)mitochondria :-

Singular mitochondrion

Two Latin words :-

Mitochondria come from Latin words
"Mito" mean         "thread"
"Chondria" mean "granules"


They are found in eukaryotic cells .


Their shape various from spherical to highly elongated.


They are typically 5 mm in length and 0.2 micrometer across.

Number of mitochondria

The number of varies depending upon the activity of cell e.g liver cell have more than 1000 mitochondria while ear lobe have small number.

Structure of mitochondria

Mitochondria are bounded by doubles membrane. The outer smooth membrane control the entry and exist of chemical.
They inner membrane form many folds called cristae.
The inner space filled with a fluid cell  matrix. The matrix contain DNA and a variety of enzyme


Function :-

Mitochondria are the power house of the cell due to storage of ATP during cellular respiration.
Some protein synthesis also occurs within a cell.
It has ability to replicate their own DNA.

Semi autonomous body

Mitochondria are Also called semi autonomous body because it contain their own DNA and have an ability to replicate their own DNA
Synthesis of  some protein also occure in mitochondria

Golgi bodies


They were discovered by camillo golgi in 1898.,that's why he gave himself name to gogli bodies.
They are also know as golgi complex , golgi apparatus.


Plant cells have large number of stacks known as dictyosomes.


Golgi bodies consist of cisternae Golgi vesicle (lysosome) and golgiam vacules.
Cisterae are the flattened sac like structure which stacked one above the other golgian vesicles are small droplets like structure. They develop from cisternae.
The golgian vacuoles are large spherical sacs which are formed by the expansion of the flattened sacs of cisternae.



They store  secretion, converts then into finished product's and packed then into golgian vesicles which transport Secretion outside the cell.

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